Top 5 Funny Movies on Hulu
When you feel low or had a bad day at work, just stream your best comedy film and you will be all revved up for the coming day. Hulu has a bunch of good comedy movies. Below are the top comedy movies that can be streamed on Hulu whenever one is feeling down:
Best funny movies on Hulu:
1. Booksmart

One of the best comedy movies on Hulu streaming right now, if not the best comedy movie, Booksmart is a tale of two bookworm friends who realize that they spend just too much time on studying and decide to cram all the fun one wild night. The movie has many comic elements during the two-hour course which is not exactly a realistic look at the high school life.
2. Sorry to Bother You

Sorry to Bother You is a dark comedy of 2018 in which the rapper Boots Riley made his excellent debut as a film writer and a director. The movie comprises of a black man who pays bills and then realizes that he can be more flourished if he uses his white voice. He uses this movie to make some prospecting points about race relations which make the movie larger than life and thought-provoking with the dash of comic elements here and there.
3. Book Club

The Book Club basically encourages mature life comedy as the four great actresses Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen, and Mary Steenburgen. These four forms a book club but when they start to pick one it turns out to be Fifty Shades of Grey and as a result, each of them tries to widen their sense of understanding which looms amazing as to how impactful these four elder prodigies of acting accomplished in this comically fulfilled movie.
4. Spaceballs

Co-wrote by the great Mel books in 1987 and also directed this star wars parody Space Balls might not be their funniest film but it still has a lot of iconic comedy scenes. Brooks has done an excellent job to butcher the original George Lucas star wars trilogy. It contains many great scenes with one of them being an iconic scene from the movie Alien. This movie is available on Hulu.
5. Super

One of the works of the iconic director James Gunn before entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe and directing Guardians of the Galaxy, he directed Super, a movie starring Rainn Wilson who has a depressing break with his wife after she comes to know that he is a drug dealer. Wilson fights crimes and bad guys by bashing them with a big wrench. It is unnecessary to say that this movie is not for kids even though it might be a superhero movie.