Spice Up Your Relationship With These Marriage Apps

In an age where apps mirror every aspect of our lives, it’s no surprise that these programs are addressing marriage. While the honey moon is always epic, keeping a marriage fresh over the years can be challenging. This plight hasn’t been ignored by developers, and a slew of apps revolve around spicing up long term relationships. Even though turning to a marriage apps for love advice may seem silly, it’s actually a viable way to save marriages. Thanks to the internet, there are more ways than ever to open up about our love lives.

This new access to anonymous advice is helping couples separate their expectations from reality. Now that people are more informed, marriages are lasting longer in Australia. Over the last twenty years, more Aussies have steadily been getting married and divorces have declined. In 2016, the number of divorces decreased by 1,913 (3.9%). There are many factors that are fueling better relationships in Australia. On top of living together prior to marriage, most people are also waiting longer to get married. While these figures are inspiring, there’s always room for improvement.

Today a slew of Android apps aim to make marriage relevant again. From reviving intimacy to simply helping users set aside time for each other, there’s plenty of ways to improve relationships. Spending a lifetime with someone is a bold commitment, but it’s a promise that’s easier to keep if you enjoy it. For this reason, there’s no shame in finding new ideas with marriage apps. To give our readers a new perspective on love, we compiled a list of the best marriage apps for Android users. They have helped thousands of people improve their lives, so get out of the rut with these apps!

Best Marriage Apps For Android Users

Marriage Apps
Discover how to speak your lover’s language.

App #3: The Five Love Languages Challenge – Everyone expresses love differently, and this app helps users understand their partners. On top of getting to know what makes your lover happy, it sheds some light on what you connect with. To start off, both partners take the survey to discover what love language they identify with the most. These languages incorporate words of affirmation, receiving gifts, acts of service, physical touch and quality time.

Once the languages are discovered, the real work begins. Users are encouraged to love their partners through their language during a 5-week challenge. This experience is critical for understanding how to treat your partner. It’s an illuminating experiment that’s well worth trying out. Even though it only lasts a month, its impact can be felt for years.

Marriage Apps
Get reconnected with your partner!

App #2: Couple – In a world were everyone is buried in their smartphones, it’s refreshing to put the focus back on your partner. This relationship app specializes in bringing together couples who have drifted apart. Through an easy to use interface, they provide an intimate social media platform that revolves around two people. Couples can share messages, enjoy video calls and plan their schedules to spend more time together. Get back on the same page with this heart warming app!

Marriage Apps
Set aside some time for a late night rendezvous with your partner!

App #1: Date Night – One of the key secrets to making a marriage last is making time to spend together. Even though everyone has hectic schedules, it’s well worth the effort to set aside time for your partner. This piece of wisdom wasn’t lost on the developers of Date Night. They created a program that’s bursting at the seams with creative ways to make new memories with your loved one. Dinner and a movie has become passé, so indulge in more impressive ideas with this app!

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