Best Brain Stimulating Apps on Android
In a world where most people are buried in their smartphones, picking the right apps is crucial. Now that even kids have extremely powerful phones, users have instant access to a plethora of useful information. Unfortunately, finding this information is easier said than done. No progress is perfect, our increased accessibility to the web comes with a myriad of distractions. If you aren’t careful, it’s easy to waste your time filling your brain up with useless data. This in itself isn’t a crime, but it does throw the true potential of smartphones down the drain.
If you are going to be using apps, you might as well simultaneously improve brain function. As smartphones get more intelligent, far too many people are devolving. They are becoming over-reliant on comfort, & this obsession is making them lazy. Most users spend 90% of their smartphone use on Facebook & game apps. This isn’t a deal breaker, but it takes up precious time that we never get back. There’s no need to quit Facebook, but it is essential to stimulate your brain properly.
If we are going to keep being the most dominate species, we need to evolve with technology. For this reason, cognitive development is the way to go. There are plenty of apps at our disposal, so don’t let them go to waste. We have compiled a list of 2 of the best Android apps to stimulate your brain. They will keep you mentally sharp, a key element in maintaining robust finances, happiness & health. You only live once, so there’s no excuse not to get the most out of it!
Best Brain Stimulating Apps

Brain Stimulating App #3: Peak – There’s a reason why Google rated this one of the best Android apps of 2016. This game doesn’t just keep you occupied, it stimulates brain function. Instead of trying to only use developers, this game’s creators turned to scientists. The research team did well, successfully connecting with respected figures at Yale & the University of Cambridge. This dynamic duo helped tailor make a game that’s guaranteed to jumpstart even the most dormant mind. On top of being educational, this game is incredibly enjoyable to use. It caters to all ages, so everyone can get in on the action.
To get started all users have to do is complete a few base line tests. This allows the game to pinpoint the strengths & weaknesses of the user’s mind. From there they provide a personalized workout plan that will help improve lackluster cognitive skills. These are just suggestions, & clients can purchase the Pro version to play any game they like. This is game is growing momentum fast, so hop on board & start honing your mind!

Brain Stimulating Apps #1: Luminosity – When discussing brain apps, it’s impossible not to mention Luminosity. They pioneered this field, & remain the king of the industry to this day. Over 85 million people from around the world use this app, & the results have been impressive. A study of 4,700 adults found that using the app improved cognition more than crossword puzzles. These convincing results are the fruition of Luminosity’s tried & true formula.
They offer over 50 fun mini-games that target the 5 major cognitive functions. Memory, attention, flexibility, speed & problem-solving are all improved with this award-winning app. This brilliant formula was created by over 100 researchers from around the world. It has won over millions, making it the number 1 brain stimulating app on the market. Don’t take our word for it, download it today to start the most enjoyable self-improvement program online!